On Sat, Jan 19, 2002 at 11:39:18PM -0500, Stan Brown wrote:
> I'm trying to set up a Debian woody system to replicate what I've had
> working on a HP-UX box for several years.
> Here is how it goes. I use fetchmail to retireve email from several
> different POP accounts. Fetchmail then invokes procmail, via the .forward
> file. Procmail uses the spambouncer recipies from spambouncer.org to filter
> the email, and it's either sent to my defaul mailbox, or put into various
> folders.
> The problem seesm to lie with sendmail. Basicly all of my mail is being
> rejected. Here is a snippet from the mail logfile:
> Jan 19 23:30:01 teddy sm-mta[3688]: g0K4TwrM003681: to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> delay=0 0:00:01, xdelay=00:00:01, mailer=relay, pri=32291, 
> relay=mail.awod.com.
> [208.140 .99.1], dsn=5.1.1, stat=User unknown
> It appears as though sendmail does not recognize that the mail is for me?
> Or have I got yhis all wrong?
> In any ase, how can I ake this work on Debian?

The problem appears to be that your email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
your local machine login is stan@<somthing here>

I guess the easiest way is to alias stanb to stan. And you might
also set up complex routing for email [or domain routing if 
you own the domain] in sendmail so that sendmail will not
want to contact external server if the mail is to you.

ie. first set up the routing that if you write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
the e-mail never leaves your local mail server just gets routed
to you.

What is the easiest way of doing this?


then go to Networking->Mail delivery system (sendmail)

and either set up complex routing or domain routing [for latter
you will need aliases as only domain gets rewritten].

Hope this helps a bit,

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