On Mon, 2002-01-21 at 02:07, Mark Blunier wrote:
> However, if a  program
> needs to mount a file system temporarily, it needs to know of a
> place that it can assume is 'safe'.

[presuming /mnt is available for that purpose, and doesn't have other
stuff under it]

Unless, of course, another program running at the same time also assumes
that /mnt is a safe place to mount things.  I, as a programmer, would
hate to be told "/mnt is the one and only place to mount temporary
filesystems" especially if everyone was being told the same thing.

A better arrangment is for programs to be allowed to create their own
mount points somewhere (e.g. /mnt/progname.pid).  The standard could
specify mount points for installed removable media (e.g. /mnt/cdrom)
without naming all the possiblities, and also allow for on-the-fly
creation of other mount points as needed.


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