On Sun, Jan 20, 2002 at 06:09:23PM -0500, dman wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 21, 2002 at 05:44:21AM +0800, csj wrote:
> | To sum up this discussion: zombies can be killed, but only if you know
> | their mothers. Is this correct? Kill the parent process and the zombies
> | go away?
> If that is the reason for their existance, yes.
> If the zombie is blocked in a system call (waiting for an interrupt or
> something that isn't gonna happen) then no.

...except that condition is an uninterruptible sleep (status 'D' in
ps).  It's not a zombie (status 'Z').

When we reduce our own liberties to stop terrorism, the terrorists
have already won. - reverius

Innocence is no protection when governments go bad. - Tom Swiss

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