also sprach Aaron Traas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002.01.21.2159 +0100]:
> Why don't we borrow an old tradition: voluntary tithe. For Debian users,
> a suggested donation schedule could be made, such as $2.00 USD per
> month, per Debian box if apt-get (or deselect, etc.) was used in that
> month. We could make an application called tithe-manageter or titheman
> or something, and enable you to set it up on any/all of your debian
> boxen, that keeps track of things like dist-upgrades. It would allow the
> user to set his/her own tithe amounts per whatever common action the
> user wishes to tithe, and optionally store the user's credit card
> numbers for automated/manual uploads to, so it will be
> easy and seamless to donate. 

one of the major reasons i enjoy (note: not use) Debian and Linux and
free software in general is because i don't have to worry about money
issues, whether on the receiving or giving side. it's such a relief from
every day, where it seems as if you can't do jack but be in love without
money (and hey, if you are on the male side of things, you can't even do
that ;^>. okay, not true. you can't date. that's what i meant.)

> This would make it simple/automatic to periodically donate small amounts
> of cash, for anyone who is too forgetful to do so on a regular basis. At
> the same time, it would be an entirely opt-in thing, so people who do
> not have the money/do not wish to donate/put in 80 hours a week
> maintaining packages are not forced to do so.

this is the only good aspect, but why do it that way. people need to get
over the herde mentality. if you have money around and you appreciate
debian, send a check to one of the main people. i am sure there's an
actual address for donations, but my browser is too many desktops away
right now. in any case, i certainly wouldn't keep the money but make
sure to get it to the right place, and i am sure that most other core
people (i am actually so not a core person) would do the same. if you
don't have cash to spare (like me), then donate time. employment = time
= money = donation. unemployed = time = donation. why take the extra
step ;).

what i don't understand is why people always need other people to go
along. are you scared to be on your own when facing debian's treasurer?
i'll hold your hand. are you to insecure, or more talk then action? then
here's a tip: take out your checkbook, write on it the amount, sign it,
send it off to ben, or karsten, or colin, or matt, or brian, or
henrique, or me, or the debian treasurer. if you are unsure as to what
amount to use, reflect a while and use `date "+%s"` as a guidance. `echo
$RANDOM` will do too. but don't look around you to see if someone else
will do it too. and afterwards, don't feel like you've been cheated
because you paid and everyone still profits from debian without having
given a pence. noone forced you.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"i did not know. but i sensed it as truth."
                                                          -chaim potok

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