Submitted 23-Jan-02 by martin f krafft:
>>> no. but debian is enough of a clean Linux to make either be a perfect
>>> certification for it. both certs require knowledge of RPM though (as
>>> well as DEB).
>> Ouch.  Would be nice if RPM didn't suck harder than CAB...
> not entirely true, RPM is very capable. in fact, there's little it can't
> do compared to DEB. the packaging system itself isn't the only thing
> that makes it good. DEB would suck without the FHS. but please, this has
> been discussed to the point of death.

RPM is good, but it lacks more than mere package name standardization
(though there is some work in that regard).  They also lack
standardization in release precedence (some implementations use a
straight sort, with -ximian.5 being newer than -6, while others make -2
newer than the same ximian package -- without epochs/serials).  However,
the biggest advantage DEB has over RPM is Suggests:, and RedHat seems to
turn a deaf ear to those who would like to see such functionality.  As
it stands, RPM based distros ship packages that either give you no clue
that package A works better if you have package B as well, or they
require package B in order to install package A.  The former is rather
unhelpful to people new to the package, while the latter is hard on
minimalist systems.

Anton Graham                            GPG ID: 0x18F78541

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