For the most part, I try to avoid anything to do with M$ Windows. 
Unfortunately, I don't always get my 'druthers (as Ii'l aaabner would

I have gone back to school to get a second (more useful) degree in
CompSci.  All of my programming classes will be using M$ products. 
Since I am the primary caregiver for my almost one year old daughter (my
wife has the real job), it is inconvenient to have to use campus
computer labs to do my assignments.

I have installed Win98 and the VB 6.0 Working Model.  This works fine if
I boot to Windows.  I would like to run the VB 6.0 under Wine, however,
but I get an error saying that it is unable to find a particular .dll
file.  The file is present on my Windows disk (yes, I did set wine to
use the actual Windows setup).  The .dll file is not in C:\windows, or
C:\windows\system.  Is there something I need to do in Wine's config
file to tell it where to find the file?  I expect that I may have
similar problems when I install M$ Visual C++, as well, and would like
to nip these problems in the bud and get on with earning some "A's". 
Then, maybe, I can go back to avoiding M$, again.
Marc Shapiro                         "If you drink melomel every day,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                you will live to be 150 years old,
Please visit "The Meadery" at:       unless your wife shoots you."   -- Dr. Ferenc Androczi, winemaker,
                                     Little Hungary Farm Winery

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