--begin quoted message from Ramiro Brito Willmersdorf, 
> Hi,
> I'm running kde on debian woody.
> Where can I change my resource limits?
> I'm having problems with some programs that I think might be
> caused by having ulimit set to:
> 3|[EMAIL PROTECTED]:rbw $ulimit -s
> 8196
> I tried: 
> 1) Editing /etc/security/limits.conf, addind the line:
> rbw              soft    stack           unlimited
> And checking that both /etc/pam.d/{kde,login} have the line
> below uncommented.
> session    required     pam_limits.so
> 2) When the above failed, I tried to set it directly
> by adding the line 
> ulimit -s unlimited 
> to /etc/X11/Xsession, but that didn't work either.
> I still have the stack size set to 8M.
> I'd be grateful for any help.

try putting
ulimit -s unlimited
in your .bash_profile (assuming you're using bash)
it'll get run when you log on, and child shells inherit them from

Noah Massey  | fingerprint : 90AD 7AAB 0768 46AF 8C52 0695 03A2 C74D E1ED C2BF
   There is no duty we so much underrate
   as the dute of being happy.
        -Robert Louis Stevenson
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