On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 12:55:32PM -0500, timothy bauscher wrote:
> to be specific:
> portmap
> lockd
> mountd
> rquotad
> statd

Yes, and all of them are in the packages I mentioned earlier, with
the exception of rquotad, which is in the quota package.

I'm not terribly familiar with the package selection interface
during installation, but all of these things are packaged by and
available from Debian, just like samba is.  Get rid of nfs-utils,

apt-get install portmap nfs-common nfs-server quota

and you'll be set.

For future reference, `apt-cache search` is your friend:

$ apt-cache search portmap
scotty - The Scotty and Tkined Network Management Tools.
portmap - The RPC portmapper
$ apt-cache search nfs | grep nfs
p3nfs - Mount Psion series 3[ac], 5 drives.
nfs-server - User space NFS server.
pcnfsd - PC NFS authentication and print request server
bwnfsd - RPC daemon for BWNFS.
nfs-kernel-server - Kernel NFS server support
nfs-common - NFS support files common to client and server

(The grep is there on the second one because apt-cache search returns
every package that mentions the search term and a lot of non-NFS
packages mention NFS...)

`apt-cache show` will display more complete information about a

When we reduce our own liberties to stop terrorism, the terrorists
have already won. - reverius

Innocence is no protection when governments go bad. - Tom Swiss

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