On Fri, Jan 25, 2002 at 03:13:22PM -0100, andrej hocevar wrote:
> Hello,
> can someone please tell me how to instruct sed to make an empty line
> before a certain pattern? For me, the same would be to make a new
> line every N lines. 
> Thank you.
> e.g.
> Package: foo
> Pin: bar
> Package: ...
> etc ...

Contents of ~/addblank.sed :
--- cut here
/^Package:/ {
i \

--- cut here

Note that line 3 of the ~/addblank.sed is blank, but needed.

$ sed -f ~/addblank.sed < somewhere

should do the trick for you..

For futher information:

$ man sed


Karl E. Jørgensen
Please study http://www.rfc855.org

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