On Fri, Jan 25, 2002 at 10:29:59AM +0100, Markus Grunwald wrote:
> Hi !
> I have a big problem with the name resolving in my tiny network:
> One of my computers (debian, woody with no update since ages, named
> "marvin", ip ) connects via dial up (analog modem) to the
> internet. On this computer, everything works fine.

Does it work when it is *not* connected to your ISP? 
> My "domain" is called "galaxy.home"     (you get the picture ;) )
> My other to linux boxes ("eddie",, slightly newer woody
> and "zaphod",, woody as on marvin) use marvin as a
> gateway to the internet:

KJ: line wrapping fixed for readability... sorry for the long lines

> Eddie: # route
> Kernel IP routing table
> Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
> localnet        *        U     0      0        0 eth0 
> default         Marvin.galaxy.h         UG    0      0        0 eth0

Hm. The uppercase hostname is a bit unusual.. Both Eddie and Marvin in

> Eddie: # cat /etc/resolv.conf
> search galaxy.home
> domain galaxy.home
> nameserver

Hm. According to "man resolv.conf", specifying both "search" and
"domain" with the same value is redundant. But it shouldn't cause a
breakage though... (actually seems to work fine for me!)

I presume that you have a nameserver of sorts running on marvin?

> Until yesterday, everything worked fine. But now, on both eddie and
> zaphod name resolving doesn't work anymore :(
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]: > ping www.fhm.edu
> ping: unknown host www.fhm.edu

Did this take a long time? I.e. is the response instant or does it seem
to "time out"? There may be local caching involved, try a hostname that
you haven't tried before, e.g. "host somemachine.non-existent-domain"

Also: Was marwin connected to your ISP at the time? If marvin uses e.g.
diald, the DNS query may well time out before the analogue modem has
finished handhaking, ppp authentification, what-have-you.

> PING ( 56 data bytes
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=251 time=181.3 ms

For me, www.fhm.edu resolves to (not .84). But it 
indicates that the routing is OK (as you probably already found out).

> I am quite sure I didn't change anything on eddie, rock-solid sure I
> didn't change anything on marvin and zaphod.
> Now the really annoying thing: I have one WinNT box which uses marvin as
> gateway as well. Now guess: there everything works just fine :(

Was marvin connected to your ISP at the time you tried the WinNT box?

But does WinNT use marwin for DNS? Double-check.... (is it
the "winipcfg" that is used on windows? dunno..)

I would expect DNS lookups to fail when marvin is not connected, and
succeed once marvin's link to the outside world is up.

> Unfortunately I am far away from beeing a network guru but need the
> internet access urgently.

Neither am I. Please take the above with a suitable amount of salt.

Karl E. Jørgensen
==== Today's fortune:
And Bruce is effectively building BruceIX
        -- Alan Cox

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