On Fri, 2002-01-25 at 17:12, Jason Majors wrote:
> > Almost any (choose your expletive here) can install a Microsoft product and
> > almost any (same expletive here) can install Red Hat.  Think people, don't
> > just follow a fad.
> Honestly, I think the debian install is just as easy as RedHat and easier
> than win98.

Hmmm... I must have missed the easy way to set up my sound card in
Debian.  In Windows, it was automatically recognised and configured and
just worked.  Is there really an easier way in Debian?  Apparently (I
haven't tried it) I have to actually either recompile my kernel, or at
least a module, and choose which software to use...  I've been saving
the messages on this list about sound setup, but it doesn't look like it
will be anywhere near as easy as it was in Windows, never mind easier. 
I'll dive into it one day when I can allocate a few uninterruped hours.

And then there's my CD burner and my printer to set up, both of which
"just worked" under Windows.

Part of the problem with all these is that there are _too_many_ choices
for software support -- "apt-cache search sound | egrep '^alsa'" returns
26 packages, and then there's esd and asd and how many mixers?  It would
go a long way to increasing the acceptance of Debian (and Linux in
general, though I really don't know if others are any better) if the
installer recognized and configured more hardware, and installed a
reasonable default package to use it.  (As for recompiling a kernel --
you must be joking!)

This isn't a flame, or a troll, or a request for help or advice (though
the latter may follow); I'm just pointing out that there are things that
are easier in Windows than Linux.  I've switched this machine to Debian
from Windows NT and I'm not going back!  Also, I have already done a
kernel compile for a different machine, it's not that bad for someone
who is technically competent, but there's no way my mother would be
capable of even contemplating doing it.


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