ben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> out of curiousity, what software have you been able to run under wine?

Starcraft. Apple Quicktime. Various others such as the windows file
manager, solitaire, etc. I don't use wine on a daily basis, but I've
dabbled with it. It doesn't really seem any slower than running the same
app under windows. In fact, other than the fact that some of the wine
DLL's probably have extra debugging code in them right now, there isn't
really any reason why a windows app should run slower under wine.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])            | Yow! SHHHH!!  I hear SIX
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | TATTOOED TRUCK-DRIVERS tossing
Seattle, WA, USA                            | ENGINE BLOCKS into empty OIL                     | DRUMS..

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