On 27 Jan 2002, Brian P. Flaherty wrote:

>Andrew Perrin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Greetings-
>> Using the seminar package to develop a lecture, I'm using graphicx to
>> include an eps chart exported from R:
>> \resizebox{\textwidth}{\textheight}{\includegraphics{crime.eps}}
>Rather than what you have above, what about something along the lines
>of this:

Perhaps it would be better to use


you can use height= instead of width=, or use both (they keep their aspect
by default). Note that if you


you can have a more intelligent scale (scale by textwidth)

\includegraphics[width=\textwidth * \real{0.75},angle=180]{crime.eps}

Note that if you're making slides, you might also like to make PDF
versions of your slides, in which case you should really use
\declaregraphicsextensions, and use \includegraphics as crime, and not
crime.eps. (Pictures in PDF can look a lot better this way).

If you want, gimme an email, and I'll send you an example I'm currently
using to make a PS/PDF version of a labbook.

Cameron Kerr

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