> Subject: lilo and moving IDE drives for dual booting?
On 27 Jan 2002 13:48:34 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael A. Miller)
> I have a Debian (testing) machine with a single hard drive that
> is the master on the IDE bus.  I've chosen to install win98 so
> that I can dual boot.  I've installed Win98 on a second hard
> drive that I installed as the IDE master after unplugging the
> original drive.  Now what I'd like to do is to put the original
> debian drive in as the IDE slave and install a boot block so that
> I can dual boot between Debian and Win98.  As it stands, I can
> boot Debian or win98 by jumper'ing the appropriate drive to the
> IDE master.  I'd rather be able to boot either one by selecting
> at the boot prompt.
> My current arrangement is hda = Debian with lilo/mbr and hdb =
> Win98.  I think that I can dual boot if I can arrange it so that
> hda = Win98 with lilo/mbr and hdb = Debian.
> Are there any lilo experts who know how to get lilo to write a
> boot block to a drive while convincing it that the hard drive IDs
> are what they'll be after I rearrange them?
> If that isn't possible, can anyone suggest another way to add
> win98 to an existing Debian machine?

After a bit of research and questions on this group and a few Windows
groups, as well, I recently did exactly what you want to do.  I also
disconnected my primary HD which has Debian/Woody on it and installed a
second drive in its place, on which I installed Win98SE.  I was thinking
that I would have to go through the process which you described, but I
wasn't sure just how to do it.  As it turns out, I was given a simpler
solution.  Several people suggested this, but I don't remember who.

I left my Debian/Woody HD as hda, my Windows disk is hdc and I have a
CD-ROM on hdd.  In lilo.conf, when it boots Windows, there are a few
lines which convince Windows that it the two ide cables are actually
reversed.  This way, Windows thinks that it is booting from the
Primary/Master drive and is quite happy.  It even finds the DOS
partition on hda2 (which it thinks is on the Secondary connector) and
correctly labels it as the D: drive.  When Linux boots, it does not
switch things around and everything is just as it was before I installed
Windows.  Convenient.  No?

The pertinent sections of my lilo.conf file are:

Those last four lines are the ones that do the magic.  I hope it works
for you as well as it has for me.
Marc Shapiro                         "If you drink melomel every day,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                you will live to be 150 years old,
Please visit "The Meadery" at:       unless your wife shoots you."
http://www.bigfoot.com/~m_shapiro/   -- Dr. Ferenc Androczi, winemaker,
                                     Little Hungary Farm Winery

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