I am trying to set up a diskless workstation (to centralize maintainance) but 
am having problems getting X sessions to work.

The system boots (from a floppy, then mounts root and /usr seperately over 
nfs), and I can login and work from a text console. The xdm login appears, but 
when I log in, something goes wrong. Sometimes I am logged right back out 
(auth.log shows pam_unix logging me in and out within a few seconds, and I 
can't find any log messages in between). Sometimes gnome begins to load, but 
then it dies with a message that "x-session-manager crashed". Graphical login 
works fine on the system that I used as a template, and I have only made 
trivial changes to /etc (hostname, fstab). Is there someone out (perhaps with 
diskless X experience) who can give me a hint on how I need to change the gnome 
or X or sawfish configuration
to work disklessly?

The fact that the behaviour is not entirely reproducable also makes me suspect 
that running without swap might be a problem. Memory shouldn't be a problem -- 
this machine has 1 GB and I'm barely working it -- but is there some stuff one 
needs swap for anyway? Is there perhaps some kernel compile flag that disables 
swap attempts completely?

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