Submitted 30-Jan-02 by Ron Johnson:
> $ dpkg -l | grep apt-howto
> ii  apt-howto                1.7.6-4           A Guide to APT
> ii  apt-howto-en             1.7.6-4           A Guide to APT
> ii  apt-howto-ko             1.7.6-4           A Guide to APT
> ii  apt-howto-pl             1.7.6-4           A Guide to APT
> ii  apt-howto-pt-br          1.7.6-4           A Guide to APT
> If I try to remove the apt-howto-ko, apt-howto-pl or apt-howto-pt-br,
> it tries to remove the whole shooting match: apt-howto*.

Remove apt-howto and the language specific versions you don't want.  As I
understand it, the apt-howto package now only contains dependancies for
all language variants as opposed to the howto itself.  Keeping (as an
example) apt-howto-en would thus keep the actual howto available and

Anton Graham                            GPG ID: 0x18F78541
"I got everybody to pay up front...then I blew up their planet."
"Now why didn't I think of that?"
  -- Post Bros. Comics

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