Hello Stan,

This is perhaps not helpful at all, but you said "any input". Take it
for what it's worth... :) 

"Stan Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The Oracle installer simply core dumps. A kind soul sufested downgrading
> binutils to the potato version and trying. This leaves me with several
> questiosn.
> 1. Since the installer won;t run at all, isn't it likely that I also need
> to downgrade libc?

I installed O8i over a year ago, on a SuSE-box. It was a 2.2 kernel of some
sort. It worked after some fuzz. If I recall correctly, the
installation program was written in java, and it had a hard time working
with the currently installed JRE. I think I removed the JRE installed
and used the one shipped with the Oracle CD:s. 

I also remember changing some shared-memory options in the kernel and
recompiling. It was stated in the installation manual what I needed to
do. Without these changes, it would dump core.

Now, (again IIRC :) the java installer didn't work 100% correctly anyway, but
I think it generated the configuration file, with all the environment
options, but failed when invoking the real installation program. So
what I did to get it running was to use the installation program to
generate the desired configuration, and then I invoked the "real"
installer manually. 

> Any inpit, whatsover would eb helpful.

This was definitely a "whatsoever", I really hope that it helps
you. If you don't get it running, I think you should consider a SuSE
or Redhat box, they are configured and "Oracle compliant". Take it for
what it's worth. Also, I would check out the news groups for oracle,
they helped me sorting it out. (comp.db.oracle? Search on dejanews)

Best regards and good luck!

- Petter
Petter Isaksson   | Expert, n.:
0733 - 60 07 70   |         Someone who comes from out 
013  - 17 90 45   |         of town and shows slides

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