[ Please repost this mail on the dutch Debian mailing list, since I
  don't remember its address.  Oh, and sorry for the large crosspost,
  I'd love to see Debian participate as well. ]


We have been invited to attend this year's Free and Open Source
Developers Meeting (FOSDEM) taking place on February 16th and 17th in
Bruxelles.  There are a lot of seminar rooms which can be used by all
participating projects and developers.  If there are people from
Debian who would like to give a talk or listen to Debian talks, these
rooms can be used by us as well.

The main goal of FOSDEM as I read it, is to provide a platform for
developers of Free Software.  The event will consist of talks from
various projects.  Some projects represented at FOSDEM are FSF, Gnome,
Exim, KDE, SmoothWall.  Debian could be among these...

Our current status is 'not participating' because there are too few
people from Debian attending FOSDEM.  Currently my list of people
contains six people affiliated with Debian going there.  From these
people, only Eric Van Buggenhaut offered to give a talk about Debian
packaging.  No decision has made, though, whether the talk will be
held or not.

People who are interested should drop a mail to

Koordination and Information:


List of Speakers:




GNU does not eliminate all the world's problems, only some of them.
                                                -- The GNU Manifesto

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