On Wed, 30 Jan 2002, Gary Turner wrote:

> Does any UPS mfg offer ampere-hour ratings?  I would expect to see a
> table representing operating time at 1) max current rating, 2) current
> at max time, and 3) optimal time-current.  The rating should specify the
> output voltage range (fresh charge and final) of the measurements.  Deep
> discharge battery banks used in emergency services, such as Ham radio,
> use such a rating system.
> The UPS's I've looked at don't even publish the battery specs. (can I
> substitute my 60ah gel cells?)
> In this day and age, I guess that's too straight-forward and honest.

Well, at least with the APC's, you can find out, by looking at what the
replacement batteries are.  I believe they say there the AH ratings.  The
280-500 backups and backups pro use 7.2ah 12v cells, the 650's are a 12ah,
the 1400 uses a 20ah if i remember right.. then there's the in betweens
that i can't remember offhand.  Oh, and the 1000XLNET at the one plant has
external batteries as well.

APC does have some kind of table you can put your load in, and it will
tell you roughly how long to expect it to last. How accurate that is, I
don't know.

As well, the TYPE of load can make a difference a well, even if it's the
same "wattage".  A monitor will drag a ups down differently from a
computer, for example.  Power factor is what it seems to be called.

As for your 60ah gel cells?  Sure, some ups's could take it.  I don't know
which ones off hand though :)


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