On Thu, Jan 31, 2002 at 10:04:40PM -0500, Stan Brown wrote:
| After listening to everyones recomendations on an MTA for my needs, I
| decided to give exim a try.
| I used eximconfig, and took choice 2, but i'm afraid that I don't
| understand the questions it asks well enough to arrive at a working config.
| Here is what I'm trying to set up. I want all outgoing mail routed to
| mail.xx.com, where xxx is one of my ISP's. I want the user ID's rewriten to
| match how he recives mail for me (I'm pretty certain I have this part
| correct). I wan't to retireve mail using fetchmail, which will then hand
| off to procmail, which after filtering will place some mail in specific
| mail foolders (list subscriptions), and then will pass the remainder on to
| my default mailbox.

This is a classic "smarthost" configuration.  See 
for step-by-step answers to the questions.

As for the rewriting of names, edit /etc/email-addresses and add an
entry for each user or read spec.txt regarding rewriting rules.  I
don't think you really need them anyways since you set the From:
header in your MUA.

| Does nayone have a smaple exim config file I could look at?

If you really want it, but my setup is quite a bit different -- I send
outgoing mail directly to the MX handlers and incoming mail is
received directly (it would work just as well coming from fetchmail
though, there's no difference).



Dishonest money dwindles away,
but he who gathers money little by little makes it grow.
        Proverbs 13:11

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