Hi Marcelo!

On Wed, 06 Feb 2002, Marcelo Chiapparini wrote:
> I am running potato 2.2r5 and I have WindowMaker as the window manager.
> I would like to add nedit to the wmaker menu (apps -> editors -> nedit).
> I have installed nedit from the precompiled file the nedit people have
> at their webpage. It is a newer version that the one shipped with
> potato. It works very well.  I would like to use the plain text menu, as
> suggest in the window maker preferences program. I have read the
> /usr/share/doc/wmaker/README.preferences and the
> ~/GNUstep/Defaults/WMRootMenu files without success. According to the
> documentation, the ~/GNUstep/Defaults/WMRootMenu file should point to
> the menu file, so you can edit it with a text editor. But the only thing
> that appears in this file is a line containing "menu hook".  Where
> resides the wmaker menu file?

in debian there exists a menu system that provides, once a package is
installed, a menu entry for all desktop managers installed.

just do an apt-get install menu should help in that case.

yours martin
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