My X-Windows works fine, until I try to employ an .xsession file.

Then, I get as far as they grey screen and "X" mouse-cursor, then it shuts down 
and I get the stderr as copied below.

What's going on? 



XF86Config: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config
(**) stands for supplied, (--) stands for probed/default values
(**) XKB: keymap: "xfree86(en_US)" (overrides other XKB settings)
(**) Mouse: type: Auto, device: /dev/ttyS0, baudrate: 1200
(**) Mouse: buttons: 3
(**) S3V: Graphics device ID: "My Video Card"
(**) S3V: Monitor ID: "My Monitor"
(--) S3V: Mode "1024x768" needs hsync freq of 70.24 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3V: Mode "1152x864" needs hsync freq of 70.88 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3V: Mode "1280x1024" needs hsync freq of 74.59 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3V: Mode "1600x1200" needs hsync freq of 75.00 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3V: Mode "1152x864" needs hsync freq of 76.01 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3V: Mode "1280x1024" needs hsync freq of 78.86 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3V: Mode "1024x768" needs hsync freq of 80.21 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3V: Mode "1280x1024" needs hsync freq of 81.13 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3V: Mode "1600x1200" needs hsync freq of 87.50 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3V: Mode "1152x864" needs hsync freq of 89.62 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3V: Mode "1280x1024" needs hsync freq of 91.15 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3V: Mode "1600x1200" needs hsync freq of 93.75 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3V: Mode "1600x1200" needs hsync freq of 105.77 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3V: Mode "1280x1024" needs hsync freq of 107.16 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3V: Mode "1800X1440" needs hsync freq of 96.15 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3V: Mode "1800X1440" needs hsync freq of 104.52 kHz. Deleted.
(**) FontPath set to 
(--) S3V: PCI: ViRGE rev 6, Linear FB @ 0xf8000000
(--) S3V: chipset:   ViRGE rev. 6
(--) S3V: chipset driver: s3_ViRGE
(**) S3V: videoram:  1024k
(--) S3V: Ramdac type: s3_trio64
(--) S3V: Ramdac speed: 135 MHz
(--) S3V: Using Trio32/64 programmable clock (MCLK 54.886 MHz)
(--) S3V: Maximum allowed dot-clock: 135.000 MHz
(**) S3V: Mode "1024x768": mode clock =  85.000
(**) S3V: Mode "640x480": mode clock =  30.000
(--) S3V: Operating RAMDAC in pixel multiplex mode
(--) S3V: Using 6 bits per RGB value
(--) S3V: Virtual resolution set to 1024x768
(--) S3V: Local bus LAW is 0xF80xxxxx
(--) S3V: Using a banksize of 1024k, line width of 1024
System: `/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/xkbcomp -w 1 -R/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb -xkm -m 
en_US -em1 
"The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:" -emp "> " -eml "Errors from 
xkbcomp are 
not fatal to the X server" keymap/xfree86 /var/tmp/xfree86.xkm'
Mouse: PnP ID string: '(!DPTC0001\\MOUSE\PNP0F0A90)'
Mouse: PnP rev 1.00
Mouse: protocol: 0

waiting for X server to shut down


Tom Schuetz  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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