On Thu, Feb 07, 2002 at 09:41:03PM +0000, Geoff Beaumont wrote:
<-- snip -->
| yet. It will also only work with Exchange 2000 initially:
| That said, if your Exchange server is set up to export it's mail folders
| using IMAP and contacts as LDAP (or if you can persuade the admin to do
| so) then Evo can access these anyway - the installation of Evo that I'm
| writing this on accesses the Exchange server at work in this way.
| -- 
| Geoff Beaumont
oh, i see. so, if the alias is set up right, you can use it with imap
the same way you would with netscape and other imap clients. so, i guess
the add-on package gives you use of the calendar and journal stuff??

/jason is dreaming of running linux as a 'workstation' in the office one
day, but for now is happy to have a server in the datacenter.

| registered linux user #202942   |   http://counter.li.org/  |
| Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 Woody      |   2.4.16-k6               |
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