* Ron Johnson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly:
> On Wed, 6 Feb 2002 17:23:19 -0600 Dimitri Maziuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > * Ron Johnson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly:
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > I know that there are removable cartridges that allow one to swap
> > > IDE disk drives when the PC is shut down, i.e. cold-swapping.
> > > 
> > > Is there a way to hot-swap IDE drives like it it possible with 
> > > SCSI drives?  The 'net research I've done indicates that it is
> > > not possible, but I wonder if I have missed anything.
> > 
> > I've hot-swapped IDE drives before. It's certainly doable, although
> > I wouldn't recommend it. Why do you want to hot-swap it, anyway?
> Data backup for my 60GB disk drive.  The only other technology
> that I know of to protect the data would be a high-end tape drive,
> like a DLT.  However, they cost 5x more then my computer...
> Why don't you recommend it?

Because if you hit it too hard while it's powered, it'll die
(FVO "too hard" = 2 mm drop, for many drives). If you don't
have the cradle and are working inside the case, you'll drop 
a screw onto the mobo. Because it's not "officially" supported
(which to me means "may let the magic smoke out at any moment
without provocation").

Do you plan to store backup off-site? If not you may as well
leave the drive inside your computer, just spin it down.
How often do you plan to back up? If it's not every 5 minutes,
you might as well shut the 'puter down (esp. if you're doing a
full mirror -- it's a good idea to do that in a single-user
mode anyway).


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