On Thu, Feb 07, 2002 at 11:19:23AM -0500, Mike McCue wrote:
| It was on the console, no X here.  It was even present at bootup  (LILO... 
| then all the scrolling boot stuff)...  Does your recommendation apply to 
| xterm or the console ?
| >
| >What do you mean? the console or the xterm?
| >One of the ways is the frame buffer?
| >
| >You might want to read /usr/src/linux/Documentation/fb/vesafb.txt
| >
| >hope that helps
| >
| >evgeni
| >
| >-----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
| >Von: Mike McCue [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| >Gesendet am: Donnerstag, 7. Februar 2002 16:34
| >An: debian-user@lists.debian.org
| >Betreff: command line font size ?
| >
| >A while back I saw a friend's ZipSlack install, and the font he had on the
| >command line was a little smaller than that of my command line on my debian
| >install.  Is there a way to change the font of the command line in Debian ?
| >
| >(Can't fit much on this 14" screen... <G>)
| >
| >Thanks,
| >Mike
| >
| >

sounds to me like, in console, the frame buffer as mentioned in that txt
file. i wonder if you'd need your kernel's source on your machine to
have that file?... not sure. i saw that myself, and loved it. i haven't
set it up yet tho.


| registered linux user #202942   |   http://counter.li.org/  |
| Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 Woody      |   2.4.16-k6               |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]          |   http://theigloo.dhs.org |

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