3c509 won't connect -- how do i poke and prod to find out what's

okay, i inherited this skanky acer (amd k6) and i've got a 3c509
ethernet card in there -- plus a network everywhere card as well
(nc100?). booted under windows, i can get to the 'net through
the network everywhere card; restarting under linux, i once had
the 3c509 working, but after having some windows-related
trouble, and having repartitioned the linux drive and
reinstalled potato, i can't get to the 'net again.

question: how to diagnose the trouble?

i try "ping aa.b.cc.dd" and get 100% packet loss. ifconfig says
the connection is up. (ifup at first reports rx on 1 address;
if i ifdown and then ifup again, it reports rx on 0, rx on 1.
what's up with that?)

yes, the 10baseT cable is actually connected. :)

i can ifdown and then remove the module (via modconf) and then
try new options -- but what syntax are the arguments there?
(rtfm bait, i know, just point the way...)

and how do i find out what irq/io parameters would be
appropriate anyhow?

and what about naomi? :)

DEBIAN NEWBIE TIP #119 from Jonathan D. Proulx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Having trouble RUNNING REMOTE X APPLICATIONS?  You've tried "xhost
+<host>", set the DISPLAY variable on the remote session, and
checked that the "-nolisten tcp" flag is *not* being sent at X
startup, right?
  Verify that X is really listening: "netstat -tl" will show
all listening tcp ports; you should see port 6000 open if
display :0 is listening (6001 for :1 etc.)
  If it is listening, I'd start wondering about packet filtering
rules. Check ipchains or iptables...

Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...

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