> > mozilla seems slow, konq i havent had much experience with,
> It's almost unusable here, but I attributed that to the machine -- on a
> Pentium Classic 166MHz, _everything's_ slow, even with 96MB.  ;)  Once I
As I said before, I'm  with a Pentium 100, 32MB, Opera 6, WindowMaker, a
tweaked kernel and broadband. It is actually quite fast. Here are some 
benchmarking, maybe it is useful for other poor students with old computers...

 * network seems fast right now
 * chaches were cleaned
 * "default homepages" are blank
 * using mutt and vim to write this mail, memory usage: 9%, cpu: 5%
 * times are not exact
|Time to      | Opera        | Netscape 4.7 | Konqueror|
|start        | '28          | '27          | 1'03     |
|new window   | > 1          | '2           | '11      |
|render google| '17          | '22          | '42      |
|from the web |              |              |          |
|slashdot     | '30          | '29          | '28      |
  * netscape crashed during the test :)
  * konqueror is slow to start because I don't use KDE
Now redoing the last two operations, without cache cleaning:
| google      | '11          | '13          | '05      |
| slashdot    | '12          | '14          | '12      |

I'd like to point that:
  * Netscape is not so slow as some people say, but indeed it is buggy and
    has bad support for w3c standarts
  * Without dealing with the Web, Opera is the fastest program, and
    Konqueror the slowest
  * Konqueror is the fastest to load pages already in cache
  * Opera eats all the memory, I can't even move the mouse during page
  * Both Konqueror and Netscape menus and configuration dialogs are very
    slow in this machine

        Leonardo Boiko
        "Doko ni datte, hito wa tsunagatte iru."
        (No matter where, people are all connected)

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