I just reinstalled the newer version so I could see the message.
The source is downloading now.

that's one down...


On Sat, Feb 09, 2002 at 08:50:04PM -0900, Greg C. Madden wrote:

> On Sat, 2002-02-09 at 20:23, Bob Thibodeau wrote:
> > I just fired up my cd writer after a year or so, and
> > some issues came up.
> snip
> > Google search fixed this. I'm running kernel 2.2.14 and aparently
> > the latest cdrecord (used by xcdroast) only works with 2,4 kernels
> > 
> > I downgraded cdrecord and set it to hold in dselect.
> > 
> > 3. apt now complains about broken dependencies and wants to force
> > an upgrade of cdrecord
> > 
> > Should I just downgrade xcdroast? Or is there another way around this?
> > Should I complain to the package maintainer about the kernel mismatch?
> When I installed xcdroast + depends on my woody box I recieved an  error
> message such as yours concering 2.4 kernel, I use a 2.2 kernel. It also
> prompted me with a method to: determine depends, download the source and
> build new packages  for the 2.2 kenel. I don't remember the commands
> right now but maybe they passed by on your screen & you didn't notice.  
> -- 
> Greg C. Madden
> Debian GNU/Linux 

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