Robert Kausch wrote (on 12 Feb 2002 at 13:44):

> Starting PCMCIA services: modules
> and the cursor sits behind modules, and nothing changes.  I've
> left it for up to 10 minutes, but to no avail.
> Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I remember that from hamm and potato installations on my 
Toshiba. I had to boot the installation disk, dig into 
/target/etc/... and disable the PCMCIA, then reboot to finish 
the installation and compile a custom kernel with the latest 
PCMCIA patches. Took about a day each time, esp. since I didn't 
take notes and keep archives.

After a HD upgrade, I installed Woody recently from the rescue 
floppy images + FTP, and the whole PCMCIA bit came up 
automagically. You might want to consider trying that.


-- Tony Crawford
-- +49-3341-30 99 99

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