On Thu, 14 Feb 2002 20:32:23 -0600
Colin Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Then I would have to suggest that mutt might be more efficient than
> gnus for local access, since it can handle mboxes with 5000+ messages
> quite quickly. :)
> /me runs from people wielding actual benchmark figures

Just to throw in my two cents :) Sylpheed, a GTK+-based MUA, is probably
one of the fastest MUAs available under Linux.

It uses MH mailstores, and it caches. Opening a folder with ~10k
messages takes about three seconds on my machine. Opening a
similarily-sized folder in Mutt(actually, the MH maildir converted to
mbox with 'packf +Debian/Devel -file d-devel.mbox -mbox') takes
approximately 15 seconds, and the same converted to QMail Maildir format
takes about 10 seconds.

*run* :)

/    David Barclay Harris            Aut agere, aut mori.      \
\        Clan Barclay              Either action, or death.    /

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