Am Die, 2002-02-12 um 11.11 schrieb Chris Halls:

> > Subject: apt-show-versions
> > 
> > apt-show-versions is a script which eases maintenance of mixed
> > stable/testing or testing/unstable systems. While beeing able to
> > update the packages from your *main* distribution with apt-get upgrade
> > it is quite difficult to do the same for the *not-main*
> > packages. While you can use the pinning feature of apt if these are
> > only a few it is quite annoying to put all the package names in
> > apt/preferences which should be pinned. Like in one of my installation
> > where I have 247 packages from stable and 229 from testing.
> [...]
> > 
> >   apt-get install `apt-show-versions -u -b | fgrep unstable`
> > 
> > to upgrade all unstable packages to their newest versions.
> Christoph, have you tried APT::Default-Release?  Does that not do this job
> automatically?  (I'm not saying apt-show-versions is not useful; I'm just
> curious, and apt-show-versions does far more than just the job of tracking
> both testing and unstable versions).

Hmm. A quick test showed me, that it might do what I want. I will have a
further look at it later. 


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