Having wrestled with mutt, I'm now trying to get procmail to work.
>From the looks of it, I've set up my .procmailrc correctly.
/var/mail/foo is a big fat zero ;-)

Mail which I set up as:

* ^X-Mailing-List.*debian-user

does get dumped into inbox/Debian/Debian-User/. But at two strange
subdirectories {cur,new} (a third empty {tmp} exists). So O,K, I can
read the new mail under mutt. But the new mail is invisible to
Sylpheed, my other mail program.

My question: is it possible to get procmail to dump the mail directly
to ./Debian-User/ rather than ./Debian-User/{cur,new}? I'm sure
Sylpheed *can* read the individual files in the two subdirs because,
if I move and rename them (e.g. 1013882504.30663_1.foo) to Sylpheed's
more memory-friendly numeric scheme (1 2 ... 33 etc), they do show

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