so the last attempt was a learning process, if you tried it you may have had *very* hit and miss success, plus general weirdness, the script i have attached is a little better, i woke up this morning thinking, hmm, i should not learn at other peoples expence and perhaps i should give a second effort, it was late after all, so, here is an expect script that opens 3 xterms, runs telnets, and exits, while leaving the telnets open - xterm -e would have been easier :)

darrrell dupas

#!/usr/bin/expect --
# try this

proc open_xterm {} {
   global xterm_spawnid
   global shell
   spawn -pty
   stty raw -echo < $spawn_out(slave,name)
   regexp ".*(.)(.)" $spawn_out(slave,name) dummy c1 c2
   if {[string compare $c1 "/"] == 0} {
       set c1 "0"
   exec xterm -S$c1$c2$spawn_out(slave,fd) &
   close -slave
   set xterm_spawnid $spawn_id
   set xterm_pty $spawn_out(slave,name)
   expect "\n"
   spawn "$shell"

#open_telnet procedure is dependant on xterm_spawnid -- should do a check

proc open_telnet { hostname loginname password } {
global xterm_spawnid
#spawn "telnet"
spawn "telnet"
set telnet_spawnid $spawn_id
expect "telnet>"
send -s "open $hostname\r"
   expect {
"login:" { send -s "$loginname\r" } }
   expect {
       "assword:" { send -s "$password\r" }
interact -u xterm_spawnid

set send_slow { 1 .001 }
set prompt "(%|#|\\\$)"
set shell $env(SHELL)
set xterm_spawnid 0

set fork_pid [fork]
if { $fork_pid == 0 } {
   open_telnet localhost mp3 mp3
} else {
   set fork_pid [fork]
   if { $fork_pid == 0 } {
       open_telnet localhost ddupas lighter
   } else {
       set fork_pid [fork]
       if { $fork_pid == 0 } {
           open_telnet localhost bad bad


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