On Sun, 2002-02-17 at 23:38, Gary Turner wrote:

> >I am new to Linux/Debian and this is my first installation. Hence, I am
> >looking for a document which describes the entire process in details
> >with the actual commands to be typed. Please let me know if anyone knows
> >of any such document or can tell me why I ran into the errors I did
> >while following the instructions from the intel website.
> Docs, man pages and Howtos abound.  I'll leave it to others to suggest
> URLs etc.  Nearly everything you need is included in the distribution.
> Take it from an old hand, with all of one installation and one
> dist-upgrade under his belt, as bad as it hurts to beat against each
> obstacle with your bloody head, it feels so good when it's down and you
> can stop -- til the next obstacle.

I don't know what you're talking about Gary... I love every minute of
it! :)

As I said a few messages back, Woody has easily been stable enough for
the desktop environment for months now. Once you get Woody all up and
running (assuming that you don't have any major problems during the
upgrade) you'll be running just as stable as Potato for all intents and
purposes. I wouldn't bet a multi-billion dollar business venture on it,
but you'll still be more stable than any OS Microsoft has ever put out.
:) As for documentation, the update is quite transparent (assuming, as I
said above, that you don't have any major problems during the upgrade.)
All you do is update your sources.list with a testing entry, start up
dselect, Update, and then Install.


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