On Mon, Feb 18, 2002 at 03:24:49PM +0700, Oki DZ wrote:
> http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/FAQ/FAQ-9.html#ss9.20
> "9.21 In the IP cache section, what's the difference between a hit, a
> negative hit and a miss?
> A HIT means that the document was found in the cache. A MISS, that it
> wasn't found in the cache. A negative hit means that it was found in the
> cache, but it doesn't exist."
> If it doesn't exist, how did it get found for the first time?
> It's no wonder that deciphering Squid's logs is pretty daunting.

I guess the file used to exist but removed since then at remote web

~\^o^/~~~ ~\^.^/~~~ ~\^*^/~~~ ~\^_^/~~~ ~\^+^/~~~ ~\^:^/~~~ ~\^v^/~~~ +++++
Osamu Aoki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, GnuPG-key: 1024D/D5DE453D

Visit Debian reference http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/quick-reference/
There are 6 files: index.{en|fr|it}.html quick-reference.{en|fr|it}.txt

I welcome your constructive criticisms and corrections.

  • Squid Oki DZ
    • Osamu Aoki

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