Hi Andreas!

On Mon, 18 Feb 2002, Andreas Goesele wrote:

> thanks to help from this list I now finally have successfully upgraded
> to postgresql 7.1.
> But now my syslog gets to much logging from postgres. In
> postgresql.conf I have:
> debug_level = 0
> log_connections = on

if only localhost is allowed to connect to your postgres database you
propably won't need this

> log_pid = on

i don't log process id's unless i need to debug

> log_timestamp = on

don't use that as well

> syslog = 2

and i use 0 here as well as the system is running like a charm

> # if syslog is 0, turn silent_mode off!
> silent_mode = off
> syslog_facility = LOCAL0
> trace_notify = off
> So I would expect there to be no debugging info, but my syslog is full
> of DEBUG and NOTICE (and other) messages from postgres. How could I
> effectively reduce the logging to a sensible amount (no debugging, no
> NOTICES at least)?

if turn off what you don't need only criticle messages are logged.

yours martin
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