On Mon, 2002-02-18 at 13:44, Elizabeth Barham wrote:
> tar cf - /path-to-be-archived | gzip -c > /new/place/to store-file.tar.gz
> Note that this will take a while, too. Hopefully the system won't
> stop, though. You might consider running this command with at, say "at
> 1am" or so, and just let it run for a few hours (days?).  At will run
> the command with a "nice" priority.

Or just use rsync. Fastest way I've found to transfer tons of data. Esp.
if you're only going to be changing portions of those files rather than
the whole file. I update my 4.5 gig sid mirror once a week over DSL in
about 35 - 45 mins.


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