On Mon, 18 Feb 2002 23:29:44 -0700, Francis Pineda wrote:

>Greetings Debian Community!
>I am currently a computer networking student researching different flavours of 
>Unix/Linux.  From the advice of my instructor, I have shosen to research 
>Debian.  He says it's, "Really Cool"  I find it very appealing and hope to 
>install it as soon as my system is set up.  
>I have a few specific questions I'd like to ask.  The information on your 
>webpage and FAQ is simply so immense, a simple site search is a bit confusing.
>1. What is the user base targeted?  Is it simply geared towards the home-user 
>looking for a free OS?  Or is it geared more towards the power-user?

I would say the serious user.  Linux, generally, and Debian, in
particular, are not plug in and run appliances.

>2. Where is Debian located?  I understand there are over 800 distrubuters 
>nationwide that communicate via e-mail and message boards.  But is there a 
>specific "home" to debian?

You've heard of distributed computing?  Debian is distributed

>3. What is the latest Kernel version?

2.2.x through bleeding edge roll your own 2.5 (not for the faint hearted
or a 'working' box)

>4. What is the default desktop?  and what others are included?

There are 2 desktop environments (run either or neither) and umpteen
window managers in X11R6

>5. What, if any, office suites are included?

There are suites, but why bother.  In Linux you can pick and choose
among any number of applications for a particular job.  On the other
hand you don't load up on bloatware containing 'features' you'll never
use, or are not quite the best choice.  Make your own suite to match
your needs and preferences.  If you need to add something else later or
want to change out an app--just do it (tm).

Oh, and by the way, you really should get a mail client other than
outlook express.  It's like carrying a bullseye for crackers.  That and
set word-wrap to 72 chars :) (that's for Karsten ;-})

Yes I fear I am living beyond my mental means--Nash

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