On Tue, 19 Feb 2002 12:14:56 -0800 "Vaughan, Curtis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How do you configure, in this case eth0 to be DHCP dependent: i.e., how do I
> make it seek an IP during a boot? 
> Likewise, how do I configure it for a permanent static IP?

Before I castigate you for not RTFM, have you read the man pages 
for "interfaces" yet?

| Ron Johnson, Jr.        Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]        |
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| 484,246 sq mi are needed for 6 billion people to live, 4   !
! persons per lot, in lots that are 60'x150'.                |
! That is ~ California, Texas and Missouri.                  !
! Alternatively, France, Spain and The United Kingdom.       |

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