louie miranda wrote:
> Hi,


> Anyone have a woody ISO url?

Gosh, that snapped back on topic so fast I didn't see how it happened...


This is just the closest mirror to me.

Heed the advice of the debian website:

> On the other hand, a network install also has its pros:
>   *  You don't have to pay for the CDs. 
>   *  You will only download those .deb packages that you actually want. 
>         If you get a whole CD set, you will get a lot of packages that
>         you won't actually use. 
>   *  A network installation of the "testing" distribution will provide
>         you with the very latest packages, whereas any CD images of
>         "testing" that you download would be outdated very quickly. 

I've also heard tell of a thing that constructs images by downloading
individual packages, and this seems to have a lot less risk of network
problems than downloading ~600MB images.

> thnx.

To use a grammatically incorrect but uniquely Australian phrase:  No


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