* Ron Johnson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly:
> On Thu, 21 Feb 2002 17:16:38 -0600 Dimitri Maziuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > * Ron Johnson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly:
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > On a multi-user system, how can I "turn off" an account?  Not
> > > remove it, though, since at a later time, it will have to be
> > > re-enabled?  While we're at it, how to you re-enable a disabled
> > > account?
> > 
> > File a bug against passwd, tell them to rewrite shadow(5) and 
> > passwd(5) manpages. 
> ?????
> As others have pointed out, "passwd -l" locks an account, and it's
> documented in "man passwd".

Yeah, and "killall" without parameters prints out a nice usage
summary... try it on a real unix sometime.

(Checking...) "passwd -l" does indeed work on IRIX and Solaris.
There is no "passwd -u" on either. However, both IRIX and Solaris
have "lock" string documented (albeit poorly) in manpages. Linux
does not.

I've given you the method that works on (at least) 3 flavours of 
Unix, and *it is not documented in Linux manpages*.

[ SSH ]
> How, if the password has been mangled?

Again, IRIX manpage helpfully says "locking the password does not
disable rhosts authentication". Linux manpages don't mention it.
(I forgot to mention that one; hopefully you didn't enable it.)

Like RSH (rhosts), SSH does not use password database (unless you 
tell it to).

One distinguishing characteristic of BOFHen is attention deficit disorder.  
Put me in front of something boring and I can find a near-infinite number 
of really creative ways to bugger off.                                   -- ADB

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