On Thu, 2002-02-21 at 22:02, Jeremy Whetzel wrote:
> Hi,
> I searched the archives for this one, but maybe I didn't look for the
> right thing.  I'm trying to figure out how to do the "on-the-fly" X
> screen resolution changing (via Ctrl-Alt-+ or -) with a laptop
> keyboard.  I know that on a "regular" keyboard that you're supposed to
> use the grey keys, but how is one supposed to do it on a laptop?  Any
> info and pointers are appreciated...

I think that by "gray keys" you mean the number pad. I don't know how
your laptop keyboard is laid out, but check for a NumLock key. On my
Dell, pushing NumLock turns the right portion of the keyboard u-i-o into
the number pad. So for Ctrl-Alt-+ I'd use Ctrl-Alt-; with the NumLock


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