On Fri, 22 Feb 2002 18:17:41 -0600 Judith Elaine Bush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm in the market for a new computer and plan to run potato. The last
> time I bought a box for linux, I bought a cheap system and found the
> on-board sound & video chipsets weren't supported.

Currently running woody (2.4.17) on 
- an ASUS A7V266 (Via chipset w/ Promise 20265 ATA/100 IDE) running 
  1GHz Athlon-C
- an ECS K7S5A (SiS 735) running Athlon XP 1600+

They are definitely hot, but since you are getting a case from
Coolermaster, you know the importance of temerature.

I bought the ECS from http://www.micronux.com, which I found at

> This time, sound and video are non-issues -- the system will act as a
> personal server more than a workstation. I'd like to go ahead and get
> a fairly powerful AMD chip, though -- from shallow research the
> Athlons seem to be very good values. 
> http://web.archive.org/web/20010923184323/www.thedukeofurl.org/reviews/misc/linuxguide12/4.shtml
> However, this comment from Red Hat
>       AMD Athlon compatible motherboards. The new motherboard architecture
>       being used and the cutting edge technology often implimented in the
>       chipsets can create problems during the installation. Red Hat Linux
>       may or may not install properly on a Athlon compatible motherboard
>       according to its components.
> http://www.redhat.com/support/hardware/intel/62/rh6.2-hcl-i.ld-2.html
> has me all nervous (as does reviewing that the Duke of URL's review
> was for a systel with a 2.4 kernel). Searching through the last 6
> months of the mailing list didn't signal anything to me about how to
> choose the motherboard/mainboard.
> Does anyone know of a site with reviews of recent cpu and mainboard
> reviews linking them to any linux kernel limitations?
> Would anyone know whether 
>       AMD 1400MHz Athlon Thunderbird Processor (266MHz FSB)
>       and
>       (AMD) Asus A7M266 AMD-761 Motherboard (DDR DRAM)
> would work well with a 2.2 kernel?
> TIA, very very much,
> judith 
> PSs:
> Why that particular config? Because i'm looking at prebuilt systems
> that come with the ATC-210 Aluminum Tower Case by Coolermaster. So
> far, I've only found hypersonic-pc.com offers that.
> http://kachinatech.com/'s configuration system has been down for a
> while and they don't specify what mother board they use with their
> Debian installed systems.....
> i miss thedukeofurl.org -- old reviews can be still be studied at
> http://web.archive.org/web/20010802153901/www.thedukeofurl.org/reviews.shtml
> http://hardware.redhat.com/hcl/?pagename=details&hid=293

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