On Sun, 24 Feb 2002 10:05:13 -0800 Craig Dickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> begin  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  quotation:
> > Is there a debian package for Sylpheed?
> Yes, in Woody and Sid.
> > BTW -- why would using an X mail application exclude you from also
> > running mutt?
> It's not so much "prevented" as "made sufficiently painful". I tried
> using Sylpheed and mutt together several months ago, and at that time it
> did not work well because Sylpheed and mutt used incompatible ways of
> indicating that a message has been read. I would read messages in one
> program, then run the other and see all those messages still marked as
> new. That was too annoying for words, considering the amount of mail I
> get every day. So, since I need a non-X MUA for ssh sessions from remote
> locations over slow connections, I just stopped using Sylpheed.

Interesting.  Is there a Standard Way of indicating that MH mails
have been read?

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