begin  Sean 'Shaleh' Perry  quotation:

> You can actually uninstall inetd and have a working system.

Well, a few points on this:

- you can disable daytime, chargen, etc. without removing inetd;

- inetd may be needed to run other things that you want to keep;

- uninstalling netkit-inetd will also remove netbase and everything
  dependent on it, thanks to netbase being dependent on netkit-inetd.
  (This is in Sid. I think in potato, inetd is actually part of

I'm tempted to make an equivs package for netkit-inetd, but removing
inetd doesn't matter that much to me, even though it's not doing
anything useful on any of my systems. The only thing I've yet used
equivs for is for a dummy xfs package, since Nautilus (which I decided
to try playing around with again a few days ago) for some reason
Recommends: xfs, and dselect treats Recommends the same as Depends. (I
gather Nautilus wants to find fonts by reading the xfs config file,
which seems like a silly way to do it.)


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