On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 09:38:20AM -0800, Harry Putnam wrote:
| Anyone who wants the official 6 CD set of woody 3.0
| Can send me an address privately.  First one I get in my inbox with
| snailmail address will get the cds mailed to them.

Hmm, woody hasn't been officially released yet.  If you really have
"official" cds, then you must have found a time machine somewhere :-).
Otherwise they are "un-official" cds and contain some snapshot of what
woody looked like, but don't expect it to be stable (or even
necessarily work).

You can try installing a base potato system, then dist-upgrade to
woody.  This has worked for me on several systems.



"640K ought to be enough for anybody" -Bill Gates, 1981

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