On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 02:23:20PM +0000, Colin Watson wrote:
| Jason M. Harvey wrote:
| >at home, i'm running woody. ever since the dist-upgrade, gmc no longer
| >lets me choose different icons... all the icons i have a the default
| >directory icon, even the trash!
| gmc 4.5.55-1.2 provides a tool to migrate ~/.gnome/metadata.db to the
| new format. Please upgrade to that version and try it out.
| -- 
| Colin Watson                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
i ran into problems with my floppy, so i couldn't take home gmc! i "mv
~/.gnome/metadata.db ~/.gnome/metadata.db.bak", then started gnome, and
was able to change the icons. i didn't have many, so to change them was
no trouble. it would be interesting to use a tool to migrate metadata.db
to see if i wouldn't loose my settings... but i'm happy now that it

nothing like leaving a pretty desktop so that if/when people come over
to visit they see something other than that "other operating system"! i
like to show how customizable any wm/de is!

thanks again,

| registered linux user #202942   |   http://counter.li.org/  |
| Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 Woody      |   2.4.16-k6               |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]          |   http://theigloo.dhs.org |

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