Quoting Harry Putnam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Bob Thibodeau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Are we to understand that you bought cds of a version that is still
> > changeing constantly? Why? From whom? Why?
> >From the  links on Debian home pages followed in this order:
> http://www.debian.org/CD/  <Buy Finished Debian CDs>
> http://www.debian.org/CD/vendors/ <United States>
>   United States
>    Vendor: Antonio Rodriguez
>    URL: http://www.the-sphere.org/
>    URL for Debian Page:
>    http://www.the-sphere.org/Linux/Debian.html
>    Allows Contribution to Debian: Yes 
>                                      Country: United States
>                                      Ship International: To some areas
>                                      email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  CD Type: Official CD ; non-US ; Development Snapshot 
>  Architectures:  i386
> Note the part that says `Official CD'
> Why you ask? I didn't want potato, and foolishly thought that if CDS
> were available they would not be totally useless.  And I'm no stranger
> to development tools.

>From the Sphere web page http://www.the-sphere.org/Linux/Debian.html :
(reformatted for clarity but not edited)

The official stable release (2.2r5). Follow this link to buy potato. 
The testing unofficial release (now woody). Follow this link to buy woody. 

Note the part that says 'unofficial'

When the debian page says that a vendor sells official cds, it means that
they have met certain guidelines in their directory structure and content.
It doesn't mean that the debian project is responsible for your experience
using that vendor's product.

$40 -- Ouch!

You may not want my advice at this point, but please be certain of what you're
buying. Also, you should be aware that not all official stable releases are
identical. The main tree will conform to debian standards, but there may be
vendor-specific add-ons.

I bought 2.2r2 from Cheapbytes when it was the new stable release for close to 
$10. Admittedly, there were only 3 binary cds back then. I had a painless
upgrade to woody in January.

If you want to use a different distrib, do so by all means.


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