On Sun, Mar 23, 2003 at 12:15:15PM -0500, Patrick Wiseman wrote:
> Hello, all:
> I'm trying to set up a Debian laptop (so this is not _completely_ offtopic
> :) for my Dad, whose sight has almost failed.  I have bought Fonix's
> DECtalk software, and it works quite nicely on the command line (i.e. it
> "speaks" what I type), but the only application I can find which uses it
> is emacspeak, which has way too steep a learning curve and in any event is
> much more than Dad needs, which is basically web-browsing (lynx would be
> good) and email (for which I'd set him up with mutt or pine).  I tried
> screader, but couldn't get it to work with DECtalk's 'say' program; and
> its documentation is so sketchy, I couldn't begin to diagnose the problem.
> Any help will be much appreciated, and I'll report back (and probably
> create a website) so that anyone else wanting to set up a minimal but
> functional "talking" system will be able to do it more easily!
> Thanks
> Patrick

This is about best website I've seen on Linux accessibilty.



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