Camilo Olea wrote:

I want to know, what can i do to have a linux network equivalent to a windows one? This meaning, here at my college, the computer lab network is made of a number of win2k PCs, anyone can sit down at any terminal, login with his user/pass, and the network loads automatically his profile, home directory,etc. The users save their files to their mapped network drive, that resides phisically at the server.

This is something I've wanted to do for two years here at my university, but haven't been able to figure out.

I *believe* that samba + PAM can now authenticate off an NT domain, but I'm not sure of it, and I certainly have never figured out how.

I also believe it can authenticate off an LDAP server, which I've also tried a bit to accomplish, unsuccessfully.

All this to say that I *think* it can be done, but I've never done it (though I'd love to).


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